Sx-key not found on com1
Is there all ready a solutions for the softwarebug, like i understood from previous remarks on the forum,
"SX-key not found on com1".
Werbrouck Kurt
Greetings from Belgium
Is there all ready a solutions for the softwarebug, like i understood from previous remarks on the forum,
"SX-key not found on com1".
Werbrouck Kurt
Greetings from Belgium
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
Oh yeah when I was running Win98 years ago and had an old PDA, when I installed the Windows CE data sync on my computer, I couldn't use that com port for any other program, had to uninstall CE to rectify it. My point is if you use the port for other things programs installed for those devices may not play nicely with SX-Key. Finally there may be an interrupt conflict with another device in your system, but if you have used your com port for anything else this isn't your problem.
But all these potential problems (besides the first couple) only are the problem a very small percent of the time.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 1/17/2005 3:28:38 PM GMT
I don't think it is a problem with the sx-key. I bought a new one , also a new SX processor and i tried it. Same result: can't find sx-key. I tried on a different PC and everything is ok. Also my serial port on my Pc is perfect, i use it for a lot off other serial appl and no problem so far.
The problems started when i had installed the latest software version that i could find on the parallax website.
Even when i reinstall the previous software version , i will not work.
Also see my previous message on date 12/15/2004 Kiwi and also a message by 11/8/2004 BrianW.
I really need a solution for this problem because i need to program new software in some Sx processors for use in some cinema's. I am using these processor for a central listening point for the sound off each auditorium.
How many serial ports are on the machine you're trying to use? Is it a laptop? Is there a modem built in? I ask this becaue due to a bug in the SX-Key software, if a port is not available now that was available when you ran the software earlier, the SX-Key IDE can try to open the wrong port, resulting in a problem. This may not be what is affecting you, but I need more info to help figure out the problem.
Thanks, PeterM
in one of the previous post that i put on the forum, there is a picture that show the port configuration in the sx-software. I am sure that is the problem of showing and opening the wrong serial port.
ihave include the picture ofthe serialcom settings in the sx software.
Yes it is a laptop,· only 1 serial port (com1) and it has a netwark card init, that also included a modem (that is located in one of the free slot for external card).
Windows '98. 333MHZ.
if you need more info , let me know
You say the modem is in one of the PC card slots. Try removing it and see if that helps.
Thanks, PeterM
i have removed the network and modem card.In the configuration page of the sx software i have now com1 and no longer com5. But when i tried to connect the sx-key , i still receive the same error.
Question: Would it be possible that during the installation of the new Sx software a new file was installed concerning the serial communication. Why i think that is because when i un install 3.0 and instal 2.0 or 1.33 is still got the same error.
All my other serial communications programs are working fine.
Could it be that the problem is coming from windows 98?
The SX-Key IDE is a self contained executable except for SASM. All communications are contained with the main .EXE, so there is no other file to interfere and cuase problems.
I've not heard of a problem with Win98 and the IDE. Some users report issues with XP and the IDE, but so far never Win98.
What is the value of the following key in the registry:
Thanks, PeterM
(default) (value not set)
configuration\comport· "com1"
Why it is reffering to 2.0 and not to 3.0
Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday. I wrote a little test program to see if we can find out why the IDE can't find the SX-Key. I wrote an application called "SXKeySerialTester.exe" and attached it to this message.
This app uses the same serial port code as the full IDE, but contains only enough code to look for and verify that the SX-Key is present. When you start it, you'll see two tabs. One says "Available Ports", and the other says "All Ports". The "Available Ports" uses the same code as the IDE to search your system and find what ports are available. If another app is using a port, it doesn't show up on the list. "All Ports" is a list of COM1 to COM8. This is used to force the application to try a port even if it is busy or doesn't exist on your system.
Please try all the ports on both tabs and let me know what messages come up.
As for why does the registry path say "2.0" instead of "3.0", it's for compatibility. By using the same registry settings, you can run any version of the IDE from 2.0 to the 3.0 and have it use the same settings.
Thanks, PeterM
I·am not in belgium for the moment,i haven't the sx-key with me, i am in france to do some work. I will try this software program this weekend. I let you know something on monday.
I had the same problem the other day and did all that has been prescribed in the other posts but nothing seemed to work. Lastly I looked at the SX Key and discovered that it was plugged in up side down! this reversed the connections and once I turned it over all was well...
Check the pins and make sure that you do have your sx key correctly connected.
I have tried the software program that you have send .
In the first tab field i had com1 (laptop serial port) and com5 (network/modem card)
Only for com1 and com5 i have the problem "SX key not found on Com1 or Com5"
In the second tab field i had all the com port from 1 to 8.
Only the 1 and 5 gave problem "sx-key not found on comx"
The others 2,3,4,6,7,8 , the program told me that they weren't avaible, what logic is, because i have only 2 serial port.
Then i removed the network/modem card. first tab only com1, same error massage "sx key not...."
second tabfield: only com1 "sx key not found..." all the others were not avaible.
Does the sx-key uses the serial control lines bewteen pc and sxkey.? Reason i removed all software of the laptop and reinstalled windows. then i only install the sx-key software, same problems remains.
Is there a way to check the control lines of the db9 (RTS,DCD,..). I guess , not sure , that this would cause the problem.
Any suggestions.
And yes indeed i plug the sxkey correectly into my laptop and cables.
Are you sure the serial port is working? Have you hooked up any other device to the port and made sure it can talk to it properly?
Thanks, PeterM
i have software to program digital cinema processors dolby sdds, crossover, alignement of digital readers , THX R2 analyzer , ... All these software applications are using the serial com1 port, and they are all working very nice.
Yesterday i received from our IT department a test kit to plug on you serial com port. That little thing is making a point to point connections between control lines and that for all the control lines. The software that was delivered with it·is sending a ex. : string to 1 of these pins and check·if it arrives on a other pin. That test was perfect ok.
I also tried the sx-key software to an other·laptop the same like mine, also the same win98. It also doesn't work. An other Laptops and/or PC with windows bigger than 98 it is OK.
So , we are running down on options, Suggestions
Could that be solving this problem.
Is it operational under win 98?
This is really driving me crazy. The SXKey IDE doesn't use anything more complicated than standard Windows API calls for talking to the serial port. It works on Win98 just fine, as well as Win 2000 and XP. I'm still trying to see what else we can try. As for using a USB serial port, I think the FTDI is the preferred one to buy as some of the other chipsets have had problems with the IDE.
Thanks, PeterM
I know that some hardware sets share IRQ's...·· ...and that can cause problems at times.
Win98 wasn't particularly good at resolving resource sharing issues with hardware...·· ...I/O ports,
vido memory mapping and other things...·· ...just a thought.
I will try to buy FTDI us232b USB to serial converter , i will look of the locall dealer in belgium has these things.
I keep you informed, i will take a while before i let you know something.
If you have more suggestions of what i can try , let me know.
I had the exact same problem with a SXBlitz on my laptop.... The problem was an IRDA port built into the laptop
that insisted on being connected to COM1. Even though my Serial Port was connected to COM2 the Software did not
see my SXBlitz.
My solution was to go to "Start--Control Panel-->System" and remove the driver for the IRDA port, then manually
switch the Serial port to option (-0000 or COM1) instead of option (-0001 or COM2).
Note: Remove the driver, disabling the driver is not enough. Make sure you have software to re-install
the driver before you remove it!
After doing this I rebooted my laptop and let the "New Device found" run and re-install my IRDA port... subsequently
to COM2 now instead of COM1.
Hope this helps someone
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071
So what you saying is remove (disable) the option "use automatic settings" for the serial comport and try the sx-key again.
I will try this when i am get home.
I keep you informed
Kurt Belgium
Check to see that your serial port is on COM1 (mine was on COM2). In my situation, even with the serial port in the SX software set to COM2,
I would go to program and receive an error "Failed to program on COM1". I tried setting the serial port to other com addresses, and setting the
SX to correspond to the new address, without any luck. Finally by method mentioned above I changed the serial port to COM1 since this is what
the SX seemed to want.
BTW) Running the SX specifying the COM port from the command line only changed the "bullet" in the SX software indicating the COM port specified.
When you would go to program.... "Failed to program on COM1" would appear every time regardless of the setting in software.
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071
i tried the suggestion concerning disabling the irda port and select basic configuration 0000.
It remains the same, "Sx-key not found on com1". I thing that we have already tried everything, only 1 suggestion, a new laptop (the boss don't agree with me).
In a few days i will receive the USb to serial adapter and then i will try it to see if it works.
Anywhy, all suggestions are welcome, it keeps me bussy during the working houres.
I struggled with this same issue in the past only to find that the power supply I was using had the correct voltage, but could not supply the amps required to program the chip.
One of the tests I did to come to this conclusion was that when I performed a "Debug Again" wherein the IDE does not try to first re-program the chip, it was able to find the SX chip for communication (though, not being programmed, the dubbugging itself would not function). Then, when I would perform a function that would first attempt a programming of the chip, I would consistently get "SX-key not found"
Good Luck,
But i could be possible
I have received the ftdi USB-rs232 adapter, i now have Com2 in the configuration tab of the sx-key sofware.
AND YES, It works i have connection again to the sx-key.
Only one but, if you ,example, try to make connection or program the sx28l for 10 time, it only finds 5 times the sx-key.
Any suggestions,