SX/B does not support Parallel LCD's ???
I haven't been using the SX/B yet but I would like to find out more
I found code in assembly that works with the SX but could not find
any commands in the new basic that support most LCD's like the
HD44780. It does not seem cost effective to ever use a serial LCD.
My question can I mix the basic commands with the assembly commands?
Is there commands in your new basic that support the HD44780?
By they way this is cool
I found code in assembly that works with the SX but could not find
any commands in the new basic that support most LCD's like the
HD44780. It does not seem cost effective to ever use a serial LCD.
My question can I mix the basic commands with the assembly commands?
Is there commands in your new basic that support the HD44780?
By they way this is cool

If you want to mix in assembly you can either prefix each assembly instruction with a "\" or use the ASM and ENDASM commands.
BTW: In the help file there is an LCD example.
See the many LCD examples in the SX/B on-line help file.
Ken Gracey
accessable via clicking on the link to the SX/B home page on the SX home page
the actual code is obtainable when you install the SX/B software.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
I have a small clip of code that I got from "Exploring the SX", page 145 (I think). I have tried several version of the code. The peice I'm working with now was originally ; *** COMPILED WITH SX/B VERSION 1.21 04/27/2005 ***
I am now using the SX-Key v3.10, and get two errors when compiling. The first is "No IRC_CAL directive. Default IRC_SLOW being used". The second is "Address 262 is not within lower half of memory page".
Can anyone shed light of these errors?
Also, I have the BS2SX and a carrier board for BASIC Stamp 2 modules. I don't have a SX-Key. Is this an issue?
SX/B is a different animal - it's meant to be used with Ubicom's SX micontrollers and it can only program these chips thru the SX-Key.
And yes, you must have and SX key to program the SXmicro.· The BS2sx is a BASIC Stamp and is a different beast.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Back the LCD issue; I found a few experiments (exp 11 & 12 of the Stampworks manual) that work to some extent with the LCD module I am using (L1671). The module is a 16x1 display however it is addressable in two lines; the 9th character being character one on the second line. Right now, using the code "as is" from experiment 11 will only use half the display. How do I address the other half?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax