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Micro Stepping a BiPolar Stepper motor — Parallax Forums

Micro Stepping a BiPolar Stepper motor

Jim FouchJim Fouch Posts: 395
edited 2005-01-16 19:25 in General Discussion
I'm quite new to the SX & SX/B but have used the Basic Stamp 2 & 2SX for a while.
I'm interested in making a homebrew NC Drill for drilling PCBs. Being a cheap guy I'm trying to make the XY table out of old computer parts. I have a nice scanner that has agreed to be sacrificed for the better good of my enjoyment. I have managed to take control of the stepper using an L293D Double H-Bridge. I can get the movement ·down to .00328”/step but am looking to get closer to .0005”/step.
Does anyone have any sample code that will allow me to micro-step a Bi-Polar motor using the SX?

Here is a sample of my code so far...

· Data %0000
· Data %0011
· Data %0110
· Data %1100
· Data %1001

· INC StepIndex
· If StepIndex<5 then SendMotorCommand
· StepIndex=1 ' Rollover
· Goto SendMotorCommand
· Dec StepIndex
· If StepIndex>0 then SendMotorCommand
· StepIndex=4
· TRIS_B = %11110000 ' Setup Outputs
· Read MotorSteps + StepIndex, RB
· Pauseus 1800
· TRIS_B = %11110000
· RB=%0000
For J=1 to 100
· For I=1 to 50
··· For Counter=1 to 5
····· Gosub Forward
··· Next
··· pause 50
··· For Counter=1 to 5
····· Gosub Reverse
··· next
··· Gosub RelaxMotor

··· Pause 50
· next ' I
· Pause 60000
next ' J


  • PJMontyPJMonty Posts: 983
    edited 2005-01-14 06:34

    First, the steppers you pulled from the scanner are going to be very weak. Depending on how much weight, mass, and friction is involved in the X-Y table, they could easily be too small for the job. Second, probably everything you want to know about do it yourself micro-stepping can be found here:

    The code is for the PIC, but it's all open source source (as is the hardware design) so you can go nuts with it.
      Thanks, PeterM
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2005-01-14 12:36
    I thing I caught is that your stepindex variable should go from 0 to 3, instead of 1 to 4 like you have it.


    Data %0000
    Data %0011
    Data %0110
    Data %1100
    Data %1001

    INC StepIndex
    StepIndex = StepIndex AND 3
    Goto SendMotorCommand

    Dec StepIndex
    StepIndex = StepIndex AND 3

    TRIS_B = %11110000 ' Setup Outputs
    Read MotorSteps + StepIndex, RB
    Pauseus 1800

    TRIS_B = %11110000

    For J=1 to 100
    For I=1 to 50
    For Counter=1 to 5
    Gosub Forward
    pause 50
    For Counter=1 to 5
    Gosub Reverse
    Gosub RelaxMotor

    Pause 50
    next ' I
    Pause 60000
    next ' J

  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2005-01-14 20:18
    What I do know is that you're going to need more than four steps in your sequence. If you do half-steps you'll double the resolution. To get better than that, you have to control the power applied to the two phase coils that are affecting the armature.

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas, TX· USA
  • Jim FouchJim Fouch Posts: 395
    edited 2005-01-15 01:04
    Thanks for the reply. I think I'm going to try to microstep it into 16 smaller steps. Not sure if this will work, but I have a few ideas I'm going to try. I'll post my results.


    Jim Fouch
  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2005-01-16 19:25
    With direct on and off control (no voltage variation) you will only be able to use eight steps. Here's a couple tables from one of my BS2 programs to give you an idea.

    Full Steps:
    '                          __
    '                        ABAB
    '                       -----
    Step1           DATA    %1100
    Step2           DATA    %0110
    Step3           DATA    %0011
    Step4           DATA    %1001

    Half Steps:
    '                          __
    '                        ABAB
    '                       -----
    Step1           DATA    %1000
    Step2           DATA    %1100
    Step3           DATA    %0100
    Step4           DATA    %0110
    Step5           DATA    %0010
    Step6           DATA    %0011
    Step7           DATA    %0001
    Step8           DATA    %1001

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas, TX· USA
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