microreality racing--reading freq. with bs2sx
hello all,
my bro in law is buying a microreality racing business and wants me to take care of electronics side of it.· I have some ideas to improve it.· However, i need to be able to read each cars transponder as they go over a loop or some receiver picking it up.· Each car sends out a different freq.· First, what could I use to read this freq and second could i read it at a stamp?· thanks all.· open to any suggestions.
my bro in law is buying a microreality racing business and wants me to take care of electronics side of it.· I have some ideas to improve it.· However, i need to be able to read each cars transponder as they go over a loop or some receiver picking it up.· Each car sends out a different freq.· First, what could I use to read this freq and second could i read it at a stamp?· thanks all.· open to any suggestions.
If your talking RF frequency (MHz) you won't be able to read that directly.