Input impedance of BS2 I/O pins
Does anyone know what the impedance of the I/O pins are?· I am assuming a couple of mega-ohms.· And, does the impedance change with the change in pin status (pin used as input or output)?
Max output of any pin is .035 amp at 5 volts.· This calculates to be
Z = 5/.035 = 142.8 ohms impedance.· Make sense?
Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester?
And yes indeed the impedance changes when the pin is made an output. It drops to the order of 100 ohms. The output is a mosfet drain, so the resistance is lower (~50 ohms) when the output is lightly loaded; then the V/I curve bends over to look more like a current source (~30 ma) at heavy loads. The SX chips in the multibank Stamps can source and sink more current than the PIC in the original Stamp.
edit, correction: I should have said, "The input impedance is _very high_ and the input leakage current is _very low_, typical of a CMOS input."
Tracy Allen
Post Edited (Tracy Allen) : 1/8/2005 9:39:13 PM GMT
·Thanks.· That's exactly what I needed.