Digital Compass
I am in search for a digital compass for·a BS2p.
I've seen some for $50+ but I was hoping to find something cheaper.
It·would like it·to have·serial out, but I'll settle for PWM.
My Current Project:
I've seen some for $50+ but I was hoping to find something cheaper.
It·would like it·to have·serial out, but I'll settle for PWM.
My Current Project:
chk this pdf out:
Digikey sells these:
HMC1001 $25.50 (1 axis)
HMC1002 $40.50 (2axis)
HMC1021 $10.50 (1axis)
HMC1022 $12.00 (2axis) <
says analog output
HMC1051 $12.75 (1axis)
HMC1052 $12.75 (2axis)
HMC2003 $199.00
HMR3100 $74.17 (2axis, RS232 interface)
HMC6352 $75.00 (2axis, I2C interface)
I assume that if its not I2C/serial then its some sort of analog output.
I could plug it into an RC circuit and get a reading from that on the BS2p with RCTIME.
Any suggestions?
My Current Project:
Many customers of ours have requested a low-cost compass sensor. I am pleased to say that we've found one from Hitachi and it will be in stock in 90 days. The lead time is horrendous. The part has an synchronous serial interface and is mounted on a DIP-style PCB like the Memsic 2125 accelerometer. The cost will be very low - about $29 or maybe less. We have only a preliminary datasheet. If I get a more detailed datasheet I will post it.
We have to order 1,000 units minimum. When they're in stock we'll announce the availability on these forums.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
And on that note, I love the USB o-scope you guys recently started selling (6mo ago?). Our school bought a few of them and they're great.
Keep up the great work guys!
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