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Windows XP serial port — Parallax Forums

Windows XP serial port

RogerDRogerD Posts: 3
edited 2005-01-06 12:20 in BASIC Stamp
Back in 2002 I built a system around a stamp2 which for three years has successfully controlled various lights, horns and countdown displays to control racing at our local Yacht Club.· I now need to update the BS2 program.· Unfortunately the computer I used previously has died and I cannot get my replacement Windows XP laptop to talk to the BS2 through its serial port.· I can run and edit the BS2 software in a window but need someone to tell me what settings to use on the COM1 serial port as windows has not set it up to match the BS2.· Can anyone help?


  • BartBart Posts: 2
    edited 2005-01-05 22:08
    In XP goto -> ControlPanel -> System -> DeviceManager -> Ports (Com&LPT)
    Check there if the ComPort (RS232) is properly assigned, doubleclick on the Port and under Portsettings click advanced button, there you can change the COM#
    Beware for conflicts!

  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2005-01-05 22:17
    Also, you may need to set the port's FIFO settings to zero.
  • RogerDRogerD Posts: 3
    edited 2005-01-06 08:47
    I am having another go on an old Win98 laptop rather than risk upsetting the Win XP laptop
    How do I know / change which port Stamp2.exe is addressing ?

    COM1 and COM3 are currently on default settings
    9600bps, 8 databits,none parity,1 stop bit,Xon/Xoff flow control, FIFO on, I/O range 03E8-03EF, interrupt request 04.

    I get "Hardware not found" when I hit ALT R·to download·the program.

    The target device is running its loaded program OK, when I plug in the serial lead its display becomes unstable, so it seems to be ready to reload.·
  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2005-01-06 09:04
    Roger -

    In the Windows Stamp Editor, at the top of the screen, do the following:
    Directive --> Port --> COM1 | COM2 | COM3

    That will take care of the port assignment.


    Bruce Bates
  • RogerDRogerD Posts: 3
    edited 2005-01-06 12:20
    Thanks for the help.
    The only way I can make the serial port work is by booting the old Win98 laptop in DOS mode and directing it to COM1 by using STAMP2 /1 in the command line. It then seems happy to accept the default windows port settings and is not worried by flow control. Bit of a pain, particularly as I have had to reduce all the file/dir names down to 8 characters, but at least I have a means of updating the target system again.
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