Bad dealings
Has anyone had a problem with a company Supercircuits
In my new Nuts&Volts Magazine they have an ad for a underwater
camera system for $99.....on the website its $149.00..I've emailed
them a lot...and never recieved an answer.Seems they care little
about their business
In my new Nuts&Volts Magazine they have an ad for a underwater
camera system for $99.....on the website its $149.00..I've emailed
them a lot...and never recieved an answer.Seems they care little
about their business
Do not to attribute to avarice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
Many companies have web sites and/or email because they think they are supposed to. But don't really understand the medium or the process. In some cases, "Joe" set up the web site, and any emails go to "Joe". The problem is that Joe left the company 6 months ago and nobody knows about "all that techno stuff".
Although, I'd think a company with a name of Supercircuits would be a bit more tech savvy then the above.
Give them the benefit of the doubt and call them on the phone.