Red-i Webserver
Who has some experience with the Red-i webserver· in combination with BS2?
I started 2 weeks ago from scratch and have advanced quiet abit if·I may say so
I'm reading the status and some data from an old Fiskars UPS with serial interface and displaying this on html page through the Red-i.
My main problem is that I'm not so experienced in progamming , is someone willing to take a look at the code and maybe can help me reduce it somehow because I'm running out of memory
I started 2 weeks ago from scratch and have advanced quiet abit if·I may say so

I'm reading the status and some data from an old Fiskars UPS with serial interface and displaying this on html page through the Red-i.
My main problem is that I'm not so experienced in progamming , is someone willing to take a look at the code and maybe can help me reduce it somehow because I'm running out of memory

I really enjoyed working with the Red-I- it's too bad it appears that any effort put into the Red-I at this point is wasted effort since you can't get them any more. Please feel free to contact me if you have something you are trying to work out. I spent several months working with the Red-I last year.
This thread had some info on alternative devices.
Mike S
*Siteplayer (
*Lantronix Xport & Micro (
*Modtronix ether boards (
*Packetwhacker from EDTP (
So far the packetwhacker looks like the best solution for interfacing with the BS2 (and SX!) - I ordered one and would be happy to let you know how it goes.
The siteplayer has been around a while, and they even have a TCP/IP serial bridge now, but I haven't used that. The siteplayer is tiny, but you won't get the support for it that you get for Parallax products. I have seen a number of messages in the Siteplayer discussion forums dealing with hooking a siteplayer to Stamps.
The packet whacker is just for getting your device connected, and is less of a 'webserver' -
The modtronix modules come with a pre-written webserver loaded on them (like the Red-i) but they are in Australia, and it can take a while to get orders from them.
Hope this helps.