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BS2-P40 DIRS(input/output) question — Parallax Forums

BS2-P40 DIRS(input/output) question

Maj.SlayerMaj.Slayer Posts: 4
edited 2005-01-06 09:46 in BASIC Stamp
I have a problem. I cant seem to get SERIN's Flow control pin to go low then high. I'm using a BS2-p40 and my Flow Control pin is AUX 13. How do I set this aux pin for input or output mode?



  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2005-01-05 16:02
    If you're trying to have your serial IO pin in the main group and your FC pin in the aux group, this is a problem. You need to have them in the same group due to the nature of selection a pin group for IO functions.

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas, TX· USA
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2005-01-05 18:13
    AUXIO ' switch to the 16 aux pins
    DIR13=1 ' sets x13 as an output

    MAINIO ' switch to the 16 main pins
    DIR13=1 ' sets p13 as an output

    SERIN 12\13,$54,[noparse][[/noparse]yy] ' uses x12 as data input and x13 for flow control
    ' that automatically makes x13 an output and x12 an input

    SERIN 16\13,$54,[noparse][[/noparse]xx] ' uses debug port with flow control on x13

    Also you can look at the IOTERM command for switching between the main and aux pins.

    Tracy Allen
  • Maj.SlayerMaj.Slayer Posts: 4
    edited 2005-01-06 09:46
    Thanks allot all fixed now.

    Have a good day,
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