Can an external lcd screen be attached to the BOE Board.· I am currently working on a senior project that uses a BS2 chip, to make a magic eight ball.· Can this be accomplished.
Yes. The Best way to get started is to go to -> Products -> Accessories Portal -> Audio Visual. Take a look at each LCD and decide which one would best suit your needs. Each product page should have one or more links to documentation with circuit and code examples.
There are more than 100 PDFs with LCD discussions on Many of them include extra circuit and program examples. Try this search term at
James Heilman said...
Can an external lcd screen be attached to the BOE Board.· I am currently working on a senior project that uses a BS2 chip, to make a magic eight ball.· Can this be accomplished.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
There are more than 100 PDFs with LCD discussions on Many of them include extra circuit and program examples. Try this search term at
LCD filetype[noparse]:p[/noparse]df
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay) : 1/4/2005 7:41:27 PM GMT
I found it using this search at google:
game filetype[noparse]:p[/noparse]df
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay) : 1/4/2005 7:48:53 PM GMT