Oregon Scientific's Wireless Temp Sensors
Does anyone have any experience with having a stamp be able to receive the signals from Oregon Scientific's Wireless Temp Sensors? I've got several that I use to read outside, pool, and hottub temps and would like to be able send them to a stamp.
I'd like to do this as well. I have a bunch of wireless temperature/humidity sensors, though only 3 can be used in the network. I'd like to see if this can be hacked, so that a Basic Stamp or SX can get these values.
My master plan is to put one in each room and be able to monitor temperature/humidity throughout the house. I wouldn't mind it being wired, especially as I could provide power to the devices as well. Then I can interface it with a PC to graph out temps, etc, as well as tie in to the HVAC system.
I'm on a slow machine and don't want to bog myself down with images from websites (this site is ok for the most part).
But is this all one unit?· (is the transmitter in the same unit as the sensor?)
What part are you trying to hack??· the transmitter (with the hopes that the stamp will monitor 20temp sensors and use the existing transmitter to send the data along??
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