
Instead of using 7 1-kilo-ohm resistors connected to all the segments like in the WAM
book, chapter 6, page 172, why don't you use 1 resistor connecting common to
ground? -bugg
book, chapter 6, page 172, why don't you use 1 resistor connecting common to
ground? -bugg
Feel free to experiment with a common resistor though!
Martin Hebel
Electronic Systems Technologies
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
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SelmaWare Solutions
StampPlot Pro Version 3 Release 4
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Now allows additional controls to be added, or developed.
Now, if you turned on a second LED, the 3.6 mA would be divided in half -- each would get half (depending on the manufacturing tolerances of the LED's). Thus, they would be half as bright -- if they lit at all. With the third LED, it gets even less.
Now, if each one has its own resistor, then each one gets its own 3.6 mA.
Now, if you had a faster processor, concievably you could 'strobe' each LED segment so only one at a time was on.· If you cycled through all LED's fast enough (20 times a second or more), your eye would 'average' out the pulses so they would all seem to be on.· I'm not sure the BS2 is fast enough for this -- but even if it was, you wouldn't want to spend all of its time refreshing an LED display.
If memory serves, we used this in a Digital Dashboard project some years ago to maintain brightness on the dash display.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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variable? -bugg
It's also possible to plot the rectangle in the Debug Terminal. If you're interested, check out Activities 1 and 2 in this post:
How to - Accelerometer (2) Tilt, Display Graphics, and Video Games
... actually, it turned out to be a little bit of a head-scratcher, so here is a code snippet you can add to your program between the last DEBUG command and the LOOP:
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay) : 1/5/2005 10:11:26 PM GMT
You can probably replace all the PAUSE 1000 commands in the CASE statements with just one after the ENDSELECT.
Although the program will work without the PAUSE, it probably helps prompt the user to have a delay before the next digit request.