SX power consumption
I·am building a system that will be using the SX28 powered by a small battery source, so I was looking at the SX spec sheet to see exactly how small a battery·I could get away with.· This application will use the SX to respond to logic input signals to output logic signals, and will speed the majority of the time in sleep mode.· Thus, the current used by the SX while in sleep mode will be a large factor in deciding what battery to use.
The SX spec. sheet states that at 3.0V, with SX in sleep mode and WDT disabled, the SX should draw 1.0 uA Typ, 9.0 uA Max.·
I programmed the SX with a simple goto-sleep program and measured (with high quality bench meter) ~50 uA current draw by the SX in sleep mode at a supply voltage of 3.0V.· This seems quite high·compared to the spec. sheet.· Has anyone else measured this operating parameter and can confirm or dispute my measurement?
The SX spec. sheet states that at 3.0V, with SX in sleep mode and WDT disabled, the SX should draw 1.0 uA Typ, 9.0 uA Max.·
I programmed the SX with a simple goto-sleep program and measured (with high quality bench meter) ~50 uA current draw by the SX in sleep mode at a supply voltage of 3.0V.· This seems quite high·compared to the spec. sheet.· Has anyone else measured this operating parameter and can confirm or dispute my measurement?
50 uA at 3 volts is equivalent to a 60 KOhm resistor. Do you have pull-up resistors on your circuit?
Make sure all pins are outputs OR are tied high or low with a resistor.
Thanks for the help.
Of course you have to take it into account if you must pull the pin low.
At 3 volts it will draw 150uA to pull the pin low.
Tracy Allen
So, if you enable the internal pull-ups, that SHOULD provide enough 'hard' signal to disable the "Antenna Effect".