Hobby motors
· Hi
·I have been learing to use the BS2 for some time now on my ou and tring
a project that i need to turn some hobby motors on and off and· not shore
how what to use the motors run on 3v and draw up to .500
·I have been learing to use the BS2 for some time now on my ou and tring
a project that i need to turn some hobby motors on and off and· not shore
how what to use the motors run on 3v and draw up to .500
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
look for the L293 dual motor driver chip. -bugg
Thanks David Warren
world, a quick check ( http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/irf510s.pdf·) shows that indeed the part has a flyback protection diode in it. Ordinarily I'd say go for it regardless, but you are driving an inductive load (all the windings in the motor = one big inductor) and that is the reason the FBP diode is there, because when you switch the motor off, the electric field stored in the motor windings will collapse and cause an outrush of current. The diode provides a safe path to ground, protecting the FET.