Which stamp?
I'm a 1st year electronics student and I would like to start using microcontrollers for my projects.
I have no previous experience in programming, although we do learn basic Java-programming in class.
Which of the stamp modules is the easiest to start off with?
I know there is a lot of code already written for various Basic stamp projects, but at school I get tought Java.
Which is easier to start off with, java or basic?
I'm particularly interested in interfacing the CM8880 DTMF tranceiver chip with a stamp module.
I have no previous experience in programming, although we do learn basic Java-programming in class.
Which of the stamp modules is the easiest to start off with?
I know there is a lot of code already written for various Basic stamp projects, but at school I get tought Java.
Which is easier to start off with, java or basic?
I'm particularly interested in interfacing the CM8880 DTMF tranceiver chip with a stamp module.

Our must popular product is the BS2 -- we've sold millions. That said, we do make a Java-compatible version called the Javelin. It's not as popular as our BASIC Stamp family, but we do have devoted users doing really cool things with them. No matter what controller you select, get your electronics skills sharpened too; using microcontrollers involves programming AND circuit interfacing. Lots of experienced programmers do damage to their Stamp modules because they don't understand the circuits connected to them.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
Luckily, Parallax chose a form of Basic for the programming language so that a big lug like me can figure some of it out!
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
Martin Hebel
Electronic Systems Technologies
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Personal Links - ·Lot of BASIC Stamp info
SelmaWare Solutions
StampPlot Pro Version 3 Release 4
Graphical Data Acquisition for your Micro and Imagination!
Now allows additional controls to be added, or developed.
Start with the CONTEMPLATE command. It's just recently released. For your first code attempt, use the NAVEL argument.
I would be one of those with programming knowledge who blew up his chip! I thought I knew enough circuitry for this, but obviously, it wasn't enough
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
So many projects, so little time.