For anybody that is interested, heres some code for a PS/2 mouse host
A few people have asked it, so here it is...
This was writen to support a 3-button, 2-axis PS/2 mouse with scroll wheel. It is based on information found on Adam Chapweske's web site at:
The web site is an excellent resouce for dealing with the PS/2 protocol and it is HIGHLY recomended you visit it.
This code works, but I still consider it to be incomplete since not all features of the PS/2 protocol have been added and/or fully tested. The parity check for data received from the mouse is not finished. Some of the code that [noparse][[/noparse]I think] is needed to implement this feature is in the subroutine "ReceiveByte". There are 3 lines of code in that subroutine that are commented out, they are what I started for the parity check. There is also no code to check for error commands received from the mouse, and there is no code to send error commands to the mouse. But, even without these features, everything seems to work as it should.
But in theory, it should support a standard 2-button mouse with no scroll wheel as is. I have been able to setup up the mouse I tested this code with to operate as a 2-button mouse with no scroll wheel by commenting out the scroll wheel check in the subroutine "Initialize Mouse".
It should also be noted that I am about as far from being an expert at programing SX chips as anybody can be. Since this was my very first attempt at writing any code from scratch I am fairly certain that this code can be optimised further. It is free to use by anybody for any reason. Use it as is, or change it, modify it, do whatever you want with it, or do nothing with it.
If you have any questions or comments, lemme no.
This was writen to support a 3-button, 2-axis PS/2 mouse with scroll wheel. It is based on information found on Adam Chapweske's web site at:
The web site is an excellent resouce for dealing with the PS/2 protocol and it is HIGHLY recomended you visit it.
This code works, but I still consider it to be incomplete since not all features of the PS/2 protocol have been added and/or fully tested. The parity check for data received from the mouse is not finished. Some of the code that [noparse][[/noparse]I think] is needed to implement this feature is in the subroutine "ReceiveByte". There are 3 lines of code in that subroutine that are commented out, they are what I started for the parity check. There is also no code to check for error commands received from the mouse, and there is no code to send error commands to the mouse. But, even without these features, everything seems to work as it should.
But in theory, it should support a standard 2-button mouse with no scroll wheel as is. I have been able to setup up the mouse I tested this code with to operate as a 2-button mouse with no scroll wheel by commenting out the scroll wheel check in the subroutine "Initialize Mouse".
It should also be noted that I am about as far from being an expert at programing SX chips as anybody can be. Since this was my very first attempt at writing any code from scratch I am fairly certain that this code can be optimised further. It is free to use by anybody for any reason. Use it as is, or change it, modify it, do whatever you want with it, or do nothing with it.
If you have any questions or comments, lemme no.

I noticed that it looks like you are using 2 pins for the interface. The schematic shown at the web site listed uses 4 lines. What kind of electrical interface did you use? Straight thru with pull-up resistors?
In the subroutine "InitializeMouse" there are 7 lines that look like this:
MOV TxByte, #$F3 ;send set sample rate change
CALL SendByte
CALL ReceiveByte ;acknowledge byte from mouse...ignor it
; MOV TxByte, #$28 ;set sample rate 40 slow
; MOV TxByte, #$50 ;set sample rate 80 not as slow
; MOV TxByte, #$64 ;set sample rate 100 default
; MOV TxByte, #$C8 ;set sample rate 200 full throttle
As it is, the mouse will expect to receive a 'sample rate value' after the 'set sample rate change' command has been sent. With all four of the sample rate vaule lines commented out, it will probably mess things up. The 4 vaules where there durring testing.
The fix...uncomment any 1 of the 4 commented lines.
whoops, sorry
here's how I have it wired up. I'ld like to take cedit for the picture, but I can't. I got it off of some web site, but can not for the life of me remember where.