Boe-Bot programming connection
i have the 2000-2004 Board of Education (USB) Rev B carrier board with a BS2 Rev G microcontroller...i'm trying to test programming connection b/w the Stamp and my laptop (Windows XP)...when i try to identify the port...i get "can't open port" in the dialog box...i have gone through the troubleshooting section and still no connection...
could you please advise...
thank you,
i have the 2000-2004 Board of Education (USB) Rev B carrier board with a BS2 Rev G microcontroller...i'm trying to test programming connection b/w the Stamp and my laptop (Windows XP)...when i try to identify the port...i get "can't open port" in the dialog box...i have gone through the troubleshooting section and still no connection...
could you please advise...

thank you,
Or, the COM port (which has your USB port on it) can't be found by the IDE.
I think that's a harder problem.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office