Clickable link howto?
While I have figured out to create a clickable link by manually keying in the correct url notation at the beginning and end of a url, I have NOT figured out how to do it with the button.Placing the cursor at the end of a url and clicking the button puts "{url}" at the end. placing the cursor at the beginning also results in "{url}" at the end. Highlighting/selecting the url puts "{/url}" at the end. If anything is on the next line, the the notation is always at the end of that line. I have not been able to put a notation at the BEGINNING of a line. (I have used curly brackets the above examples for obvious reasons.) Help could be better. Help.
On that, I've notice that simply typing the links in the full editor seems to work as well.·
I simply typed the line above.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
What you see will depend on the browser you are using. In IE, the Post Reply feature shows a globe and chain icon. However, in Firefox (and probably related derivations like Netscape), it shows a row of buttons with text in them. There is a button with URL which will insert the string ' [noparse][[/noparse] u r l ] ' in the text.
In fact, they way the UI works between IE and Firefox is dramatically different. The IE interface is nicer and easier, but then again, you have to tolerate IE to use it.
What RickB points out, is that in Firefox the inserted psuedo-html goes at the end of the text regardless of where the insertion bar is. Kind of frustrating. I've found the formatting buttons are more usefull for learning how to type the actual codes in, than they are for pushing a button to insert them.
RickB, you can close out the tag you are trying to insert (e.g. '[noparse][[/noparse] / u r l ] ') by pressing the shift key, then clicking on the desired button.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Please let me know if there is a better interface out there on the Net - I'm sure it exists. We might be able to take the best of both worlds before the version 3 beta of dotNetBB is released.
Parallax IT Dept.
Jim: Thanks for explaining the reasons for the differences. That may explain why I can't "see" some things in a Proton Basic forum that others can see.