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WAM Manual possibly wrong for USB version of BOE — Parallax Forums

WAM Manual possibly wrong for USB version of BOE

Jim McCorisonJim McCorison Posts: 359
edited 2004-12-27 02:52 in Learn with BlocklyProp

I have the new BOE USB version and the WAM kit. On page 103 of the WAM manual, it tells you to verify the version of the board before proceeding. The board I have is labelled as Rev B, but it sure fits the description of the Rev C in the manual. Perhaps this is Rev B of the USB version and is the same as Rev C of the serial version for the purposes of the excercise. The paper manual I have is version 2.1, but the online version 2.2 has the same issues.

Also, I would like to suggest the Parallax publish an Errata or change list for the manuals. This would allow us to update our existing paper manuals to reflect the latest changes in the electronic version.



  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2004-12-26 05:06

    The Revision C BOE has a Vin/Vdd jumper between the two servo blocks in the upper right hand corner. If you have a Revision B Board then it does not have this jumper and would be labelled "Rev B".

    The USB BOE is only made as Rev A right now. However, it has the features of the Rev C Serial Port version with the Vdd/Vin power jumper for the servos.

    Are you certain you have a USB BOE with a Revision "B"? Is this the board you have?

  • Jim McCorisonJim McCorison Posts: 359
    edited 2004-12-26 16:26

    Thanks for your prompt reply. I didn't really expect anything over the holidays. You're supposed to be playing, not working. Of course, the Basic Stamp is playing no matter how much it is supposed to be work.

    The board I have _is_ a Rev B USB board. Please forgive my photography, it isn't as nice as your stuff, but check it out. Rev B.

    Anyway, neight manual makes mention of USB version being the same as the serial Rev C. I treateed it like a Rev C because it clearly had the Vdd/Vin jumper and all seems to be well.

    Best Regards,
    1280 x 960 - 202K
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2004-12-27 02:40

    Our work is play! In fact, our office is closed this week so I hope to get some machining done on a new robot by Friday.

    I didn't realize we made a Rev B USB-BOE. I think we violated our own rules because we aren't supposed to increment revision numbers for internal changes to our boards. We have made only one production run of the USB-BOE, so it should have been A. But it's really B like you showed me. Fooled me!

    Yep, it's nearly identical to the Serial Rev C except for the programming interface.

    Let us know if you have any trouble. Several of us Parallaxers are lurking on the forum during the break.

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Jim McCorisonJim McCorison Posts: 359
    edited 2004-12-27 02:52

    Thanks for the confirmation.

    Have fun playing. I'm muddling my way through WAM and having fun... except when my wife kicks me off the computer because it's "her turn".

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