I just bought 10 BS2IC Rev C to get started using Basic Stamps. I have an opportunity to purchase several more. I am wondering what is the difference in the latest rev and the ones I purchased? Did I buy lemons? Do I need anything different from the current tools to work with these rev C stamps. Also what is the very minimal way I can build a programmer/interface board for these stamps to get started. I shelled out $356.56 for these stamps and cant really afford a regular dev board right now, but I have lots of stuff to build my own. Thanks for any help.
I just bought 10 BS2IC Rev C to get started using Basic Stamps. I have an opportunity to purchase several more. I am wondering what is the difference in the latest rev and the ones I purchased? Did I buy lemons? Do I need anything different from the current tools to work with these rev C stamps. Also what is the very minimal way I can build a programmer/interface board for these stamps to get started. I shelled out $356.56 for these stamps and cant really afford a regular dev board right now, but I have lots of stuff to build my own. Thanks for any help.

We have schematics on our web site for the programming interface -- follow them and you'll have no troubles.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office