Producing Boards.
I'm using the LM34 in my company to measure room temperatures, and need to make a circuit board in order to mount. Something the size of a single gang box. What I am wondering whats the best way to make a circuit board. I see in IEEE magazine companies advertising services, such as I remeber using etching in college to make boards, but they always ended up needing more soldering than it was worth. Anyone have any suggestions ? I need to keep unit cost low. Thanks in advance.
Either a wire wrap board (perforated hole but no copper) or a project board (has copper traces or pads and must be "solder wired").
You could use a couple of IC sockets and plug your LM34 in to that (if you expect to change it).
I'd guess you might have a couple of caps on the board too....
To note, there is a thread on this in the SANDBOX.
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