Stamp to USB Circuit
Steve Joblin
Posts: 784
Well, I finally broke down and got me a new laptop (IBM ThinkPad R51).· Great machine, but no serial port!· I see that Parallax sells a Serial to USB adapter, but thought that it might be fun to roll my own.· The New USB BoE Development Board looks like it has the components in surface mount form, and the documentation manual ·schematic only shows an area called "USB Interface".· Anyone know where to find the scematic and parts list?
Looking forward to introducing my BoEBOT to my new laptop!
Looking forward to introducing my BoEBOT to my new laptop!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
- Ken
USB seems so easy, because it is becoming available everywhere. It is not. It requires the OS to know how to load drivers on-the-fly, it requires you to know where to get the drivers, etc. I think National Semiconductor has a development platform for it.
But it really doesn't make sense to invest all this time and effort into something others are already selling for less than $50.00.
··· I've given a PDF file of our complete schematic to our webmaster-team.· They will post it on our website shortly.· After reviewing it, if you should have any questions, feel free to contact me directly:
· Attached you will find the schematic for the USB BOE.· If for any reason it doesn't come through, here's the URL.
Great holidays to all!