That would be the answer using strictly Parallax parts in a plug and play manner. But some laptops have IR capabilities built into them. It seems to be passe with the advent of WiFi, Bluetooth, etc., but it used to be that you could carry your laptop over to an HP printer, and print directly to it via IR ports. If rmniento has a PC or laptop with an IR port built-in then it MAY be possible to directly communicate with it via IR. But it will require learning the IR protocol of Windows, or whatever OS is in use. Try Googling on 'ir communications windows' for some possibilties. It is certainly a challenging project, but you'll learn a lot more than just sticking a couple of IR Buddies into BOEs and calling it done, not to mention that it will be a lot cheaper.
I have found many articles on the internet refering to IR mouse or keyboard projects or to IR adaptors for PC COMM port.
I can't give you any direct references withou repeating those searches.
I have not tryed it yet but I see no reason why the RS232 link from the PC to the Stamp could not be replaced with an IR link.
You would need another BOE board, with an IR-Buddy, to be the IR to RS-232 interface.
Then you add a second IR-Buddy ( I think they come in pairs) to your current BOE.
Then you send data out from you BOE under test, through the IR-Buddy, to the other BOE, for relay to your PC.
I can't give you any direct references withou repeating those searches.
I have not tryed it yet but I see no reason why the RS232 link from the PC to the Stamp could not be replaced with an IR link.