Robots all start out retarded. It is programmer's who must teach them a better way.
Does your BOE-BOT have a line sensor? The 'normal' IR sensors on the BOE-Bot read reflections of close objects -- I don't think they sense tape very well.
Are you working from Robotics with the Boe-Bot? ·If so, the sensors are viewing the stripe from a distance, and success depends on following the instructions in Chapter 8, Activity #3 very carefully.· There is some sensor testing and tuning that has to be done before running the example program.··Robotics with the Boe-Bot is available for free download from -> Downloads -> Stamps in Class Tutorials.· · If you are using one of the up-close detectors, such as the QTI Line Follower AppKit for the Boe-Bot or the Line Follower Module, each of these kits also has instructions for testing (and tuning in the case of the module) the sensors to make sure they are working before running the line following code.· · In any case, let us know which system you are using along with the details of your setup, and we'll take it from there.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay) : 12/16/2004 5:57:18 PM GMT
Does your BOE-BOT have a line sensor? The 'normal' IR sensors on the BOE-Bot read reflections of close objects -- I don't think they sense tape very well.
You may be able to build a shroud around your sensors to block out the reflective light.· I've used paper in the past and it works great.
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
If you are using one of the up-close detectors, such as the QTI Line Follower AppKit for the Boe-Bot or the Line Follower Module, each of these kits also has instructions for testing (and tuning in the case of the module) the sensors to make sure they are working before running the line following code.·
In any case, let us know which system you are using along with the details of your setup, and we'll take it from there.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay) : 12/16/2004 5:57:18 PM GMT