Boe-Bot troubleshooting

Start by doulbe-checking your wiring.· For each piezospeaker pin, it needs to be in the same row of five sockets as the wire it's connected to.·Nick in BASIC Stamps said...
My piezospeaker is not working and it is connected to P4 and when I run programs it is supposed to make some sort of noise and I have tried to troubleshoot it but it jusst gets worse.
Check your program and verify that it is entered correctly.
If those·steps don't work, go back to the LED exercise and modify it so that it should make an LED connected to P4 light up.· This will involve a change to the circuit and the program.
If the LED worked on P12, but not on P4, it could indicate that there's a damaged I/O pin on the BASIC Stamp.· Try modifying your program and piezospeaker circuit so that it runs from, say, P11.
If the LED works, but the Piezo does not, it could indicate a problem with the Piezospeaker.·
Good luck, and let us know how it went.