phone cap.
I'm working on an alarm system using a basic stamp 2 homework board.· I would like to add a phone or internet capability that would contact the owner whenever the alarm is tripped.· Please direct me to the best course of action.
Thank you
I'm working on an alarm system using a basic stamp 2 homework board.· I would like to add a phone or internet capability that would contact the owner whenever the alarm is tripped.· Please direct me to the best course of action.
Thank you
I believe Parallax sells a modem Appmod for the BS2's, so have a look at the website.
You could of course try to use an old Hayes Compatible modem and serout 'AT'-commands to it, but that will be the more experimenting road.
·· We're currently working on such a project at my business...Although I don't have much done in the phone section, as I am uncertain as to how I want to handle contact.
I don't know whether to try and send a page, message my Cel-Phone, voice message my Cel-Phone, or what.· What were your plans?
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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The Modem App-Mod has done all the hard work for you. I know it may seem pricey at around $100, but I believe it is the simplist way to embed this kind of functionality.
Be aware, though, that it does very little for you that any HAYES compatible modem does, if you have the space for the modem.
Of course, it is trivial to connect to the phone lines with whatever device you want to hang off there. It's the legality and long-term function I was talking about.
It is also very easy in software to use a modem to page a pager, or send a response number, automatically. Voice is much harder.
What is this HAyes thing, is it very compicated to implement?
I want to implement a·phone capability that will do the deed.·
Would it be easier to implement internet capability, or should I stick to phone capability.
I want to implement the best way to have my alarm system communicate with a customer.
The Hayes company implemented a very nice control protocol for Modems. They made it globally available. All PC modems now tend to be Hayes command set compatible.
So any stand-alone Modem should work. Note I say 'Stand-alone', as different from one that plugs in to your PCI bus, ISA bus, or whatever. And off-the-shelf Modem's tend to be cheaper than the app-mod.