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parallel data

GadgetguyGadgetguy Posts: 4
edited 2004-11-28 03:55 in BASIC Stamp
Thank You Jon for the answer to my parallel data loading problem.· I now have another scenario, looking for ideas.
sequence of events:

1-control pin starts sequence.

2-numbers 1 through 20 would be shuffled

3-shuffle·stops, each digit 1,2,3,4,5,6,....20 would be used as sort of a random source.· Each number from 1 through 20 would· fill each bin with no omissions or repeats.

4-outpulse codes would be based on each of the 20 "bins" that have·hold random numbers.

Upon accessing the program the next time, another random shuffle would be desired.


Post Edited By Moderator (Joshua Donelson (Parallax)) : 10/23/2009 3:27:06 PM GMT


  • GadgetguyGadgetguy Posts: 4
    edited 2004-11-28 03:55
    I just thought of a place to get the random part of the sequence. This would be the time the control pin is held high by the start button being pressed.· This would vary everytime (only a few ms), and could determine when to start and stop the scanning.

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