I've been in the lighting industry for three years now and I still don't know exactly what DMX stands for and exactly how it works.· I thought someone here might know.· Is it something that can be controlled by a BS2?
Chris Isaacson
Chris Isaacson
There's a really great tech summary at:
And the official documentation over at: (you need to pay them to get an actual hardcopy)
As for BS2 DMX stuff, there was someone on the oooooold stamp-list (back when Chip was a regular) that did it, and somewhere ont he web I found a site that had DMX translator chips. If you want to get really into it, I'm pretty sure the BS2P or -SX could handle it. As I recall, the protocol isn't too wierd, and runs at a reasonable baud rate.
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Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
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Chris Savage
Knight Designs
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The SX surely can do it, and with the nifty stuff in SX/B it would be pretty easy I think.
The easiest way out is at·who makes a DMX-RS232 converter.
This is not a sig. This is a duck. Quack.
I'll look into the SX a little more.· Right now my mind is full with BS2 thoughts.
Chris Isaacson