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RF transmission

Zeratul1320Zeratul1320 Posts: 3
edited 2004-11-29 07:29 in BASIC Stamp
Would it be possible to connect the antennas of two SIP/Dual-mode tranceivers to allow for bi-directional communication between two stamps through a wire as opposed to just over air?

I ask because i have an ROV and for the tether i can transmit RF control signals down a coax and RF video up the same coax but i need to transform the serial from the stamp to RF for this to work.


  • Zeratul1320Zeratul1320 Posts: 3
    edited 2004-11-28 23:38
    does anyone have an answer?
  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2004-11-29 01:37
    Zeratul1320 -

    I suspect if the appropriate coax were used which matched with the characteristics of the tranceivers that you are planning to use, it might be doable. This seems a long and expensive way to solve this problem.

    Aren't there two other wires, other than coax, that could be used for communication? Couldn't you add a small, waterproof cable with two (or more) conductors in it, and afix it to the outside of the existing tether? At best you're only talking about half-duplex communication here, due to the inherent limitations of SERIN/SEROUT and the lack of a communications buffer.


    Bruce Bates
  • Zeratul1320Zeratul1320 Posts: 3
    edited 2004-11-29 07:29
    Thanks for the reply,

    in the past i have simply used a seperate wire for serial communication, but in the search for a smaller, thinner tether i stumbled across a design that runs an RF signal down a coax and video up the same cable. The RF signal used was from an RC system. This is the first time i have seen a way to translate serial into RF to work with this method of tether. Unless there is a cheaper way to send information between stamps using RF. If worse comes to worse i would end up just using more wires but that increases the size of the tether and i dont want to do that.
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