Stamp parts?
· I would like to know if it is possible to obtain the single pnp trans. pack (2-10k & a 2n3906)from Parallax (or anyone else)·as a single unit.··· ·I have a BS2 with this pack burned, and I am just foolish enough to try a repair·
, as I am sitting at home recovering from surgery and bored to tears. I figure the BS2 is dead like it is, and I can't kill it any more than it is now.· I have already replaced it, and·gave myself a stern
talking to about letting loose wires flop about. Just curious about the trans. pack.. Thanks······ jpyle

Maybe the most cost-effective solution is to have us repair/replace the BS2. I believe our Sales Manager charges something like $25.00 for a repair. If it is within our 90-day warranty then we'll do it for free. This saves you doing SMT soldering and guessing about the actual problem.
If you want to replace the components yourself, use the attached BOM as a reference. Pick out the parts and call our sales staff. The parts you need are really cheap. Tell them Ken G. asked to only charge you·shipping for the components. We don't need to be making profit on 1/2 cent parts.
But it seems like the problem may be that you have damaged the Stamp interpreter.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.