Load cells
i am trying to find an accurate load cell to pair with my stamp.· can anyone offer a suggestion on a suitable component? i have tried the flexiforce sensor and need something more accurate and robust.· Any suggestions?
Thank you·in advance
Thank you·in advance
A strain gage is merely a variable resistor.· We used to use a wheatstone bridge and an op amp to get an analog signal on an oscilloscope or meter with excellent sensitivity and repeatability so long as one didn't permanantly deform the aluminum.
But with a BS2, RCTIME will get you where you are going.
It's been a while but, I believe Omega has a Force, Stress and Strain division which has all sorts of strain gages.· They also probably have a large variety of expensive load cells.
Chris Isaacson
I am not sure what type or capacity you are looking for but there are several manufacturers to choose from. If you can give me discription of what you are trying to achieve or what you are wanting to measure I might be able to make a recommendation to you as to what type of cell would best suit your needs.
If you are unsure of what you want you can check out http://www.scalebuyersguide.com
You will find links to most all major manufacturers and several service centers in your area that will carry a broad range of loadcells.
Hope this helps.
Also a tech supervisor by trade.
Scales, Labelers, metal detectors and PLC integration·/ programming.
ShootPaint, where are you located?