SX/B and carryx
I see no reference to carryx in the documentation of the SX/B compiler. I have a project that requires carryx so that the program will run fast enough while making some calculations. But since I don't see any reference to carry X i suspect that if I set it a lot of stuff compiled by SX/B may not work correctly.
·· But to communicate with the SX28 I interrupt this operation and either get data from switches or RS232 and then start generating signals again until there is a need to update the frequency again.
·· The whole purpose of my using SX/B was to save time in writing these communication routines. Surely the compiler be made to recognize the carryx device directive and put the STC instructions in the right places.
·· I have not had the time to try carryx with a compiled program , except to see that the device directive does accept it.· Another inconvience is that I can't seem to·be able to print the list file so that I can take a closer look at what the complier produces. I can print the source file.
With regards to printing the list file:
1 - Right click in list window
2 - Left click on pop up menu that says "Select All"
3 - Right click in list window again
4 - Left click on pop up menu that says "Copy"
5 - Open your favorite word processor or text editor
6 - Paste the text in it
7 - Print it
8 - Read unitl your eyes fall out of your head
Lesson? When in doubt, try the standard options Windows typcially offers and see if they work. Sometimes you'll be thwarted, but usdually it works. Copy works in all sorts of places that aren't inherently obvious. Try it.
Thanks, PeterM
You can also go to the output directory that the list file is sitting in and copy the entire file. Just make sure you don't close the IDE or else the ouput directory will be cleaned out.