Basic Stamp and window shade control
My plan is to use Basic Stamp to control an ordinary window shade (which is too high to reach).· I find postings on making motor controllers, rf transmitters, etc., and I assume that, once I learn·some Basic Stamp, I will be able to integrate these circuits to control the shade: push a button and the shade comes down, push it again and it goes back up.·· Before I jump in and get a kit and begin to learn the ropes, I would like some input as to whether I am going to be able to do this.·· Mission possible?· Anyone know of postings where someone has already done this?
Consider getting the Board of Education (not homework board) because it is easier to plug in to 110AC.
Consider using a TV remote control to send an IR signal to an IR sensor instead of RF because it is cheaper. The new BoeBot IR book & hardware package explains it all.
You might want to search for anyone that has made a project that stays on for years, as yours would.