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Red -i web server — Parallax Forums

Red -i web server

LysvikLysvik Posts: 2
edited 2004-11-16 16:44 in BASIC Stamp
I have a DS1620 on the BOE that delivers a temp reading and now a want it to deliver it to the red-i web server. This is a part off the code.

·· DisplayC:
······ centi = i_9_bit/2················· ··········· ·' Convert to degrees C relative to -55.
······ IF centi < 55 THEN subzC··············· ' Handle negative numbers.
······ centi = centi-55
······ DEBUG "+",DEC centi, " C",CR······· ' Display with plus sign.

·SEROUT· 8,84,[noparse][[/noparse]"!RI0W06:dec centi",CLS]

This results in the webserver displaying·"· dec centi " ex.

Thanks Leo


  • K de JongK de Jong Posts: 154
    edited 2004-11-15 22:46
    Hi Leo,

    It looks like you have put your 'dec centi' inside the comment string. That is why you see it as a comment and not as a value.

    I hope this helps,

  • LysvikLysvik Posts: 2
    edited 2004-11-16 16:44
    It worked! Thanks
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