Non standard SEROUT -Possible to do: 38400baud, 1 start bit, 8 databits, 1 even
I have built a VGA projector control box. I have successfully controlled Sanyo, Seleco projectors (I use a 422 line driver to handle the big distances). Now i need to control a Sony VPL-PX32 projector and it needs:
38400 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 even parity, 1 stop bit.
I need to send the following (Protocol requires its commands to be sent in hexidecimal):
All this to turn on the projector...
Is this possible with Basic Stamp ?
Today·I use a standard Basic Stamp II and the ...
A example code would be marvellous·
¤ Biggelogge·
38400 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 even parity, 1 stop bit.
I need to send the following (Protocol requires its commands to be sent in hexidecimal):
All this to turn on the projector...
Is this possible with Basic Stamp ?
Today·I use a standard Basic Stamp II and the ...
A example code would be marvellous·

¤ Biggelogge·
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
Using a faster stamp is not a problem (sx or pe modules have the same pin configuration I think?)
¤ Biggelogge
Another alternative to pure software bit-banging is to use the Maxim MAX3100 UART, whose baud rate, parity and stop bits you can set any way you choose to set them. Here is a PBASIC Stamp routine for driving the MAX3100, thanks to Al WIlliams:
You will need to set the "baudrate" variable in that program appropriately for your projector. Make sure you heed all the caveats as described in the prgam notes, and as may be found in the MAX3100 data sheet. As you will note in the program the Stamp will be using SHIFTOUT rather than SEROUT to communicate with the MAX3100.
Bruce Bates