Cheap Digital Multimeter $2.99

Just to let every know that harbor freight has digital multimeters for $2.99
We use them at my work, and if they blow a fuse or anything we just throw them away. They are a decent meter for the price.
Maybe good for schools to stock up.
If you live close to a store they are a good deal, if you have to order them you get socked with about $12.00 in shipping and handling charges [noparse]:([/noparse]
Here is the link.
Post Edited (Bean) : 11/12/2004 4:12:57 PM GMT
We use them at my work, and if they blow a fuse or anything we just throw them away. They are a decent meter for the price.
Maybe good for schools to stock up.
If you live close to a store they are a good deal, if you have to order them you get socked with about $12.00 in shipping and handling charges [noparse]:([/noparse]
Here is the link.
Post Edited (Bean) : 11/12/2004 4:12:57 PM GMT
And nearly everything seems to be on SALE!
G. Herzog in Taiwan