DC amplification?
I am connecting a water pump to my BS2 but the 5V comming out of the I/O pins is not enough to turn the pump on at full power.· I was thinking of amplifying the 5V to 9V, but i'm not too sure how to do it.·Can anyone help?
STOP! You don't want to connect anything with any substantial current draw (like a motor) directly to a Stamp pin. The chances of FRYING the Stamp are VERY GOOD!
You need at least a transistor between the Stamp pin and the load you're controllling. Another method is to use a power interface like the ULN2003 which contains a Darlington transistor array. The source power (power for the motor) comes from one place, and the power which causes the switching (Stamp pin) comes from somewhere else, and they CAN BE different voltages. Thus, the switching voltage of 5 volts DC will control the 9 V DC you need for your pump.
Bruce Bates