SX/B for SX48/52 ?
To The Folks At Parallax;
Is there any plan to extend the SX/B compiler to include the SX48/52 chips? If so, when?
It would be a great help to those who need that extra code and ram space.
Many thanks for your good work,
Is there any plan to extend the SX/B compiler to include the SX48/52 chips? If so, when?
It would be a great help to those who need that extra code and ram space.
Many thanks for your good work,
There are plans to extend SX/B to the SX48/52.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Doesn't this cannibalize the BASIC Stamp sales, though?
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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Originally (some 15 years ago) I wanted to learn assembly language programing, but several things got in the way. First was the nasty archtecture that required a lot of support chips. You had to build a complicated printed circuit board or wire-wrap all those parallel connections. Second, was the instruction set just seemed to be getting huge. Third, all you could do was to process data (too abstract for a begineer). Fourth, their was no 'bridge' from higher level languages.
Are you beginning to get the picture?
The SX and the SX/B fulfills the software bridge, the RISC reduces the learning curve to fundamentals, the ability to blink lights and move motors eliminates the abstraction, and the Virtual Peripheral design concept makes one chip do what many did before. It really is a superior learning tool as well as an industrial strength work horse.
Added to all that is speed for those who want 75mHZ, economy [noparse][[/noparse]cheaper than PICs with more to offer], low power use with an internal oscillator for portable, small applications, and encoding/decoding of telephone touchtones for networking via phone.
I started some months ago as a BasicStamp Novice and now I just finished my first text on the assembly language side of programing. My vision of what I can do keeps expanding and the cost of development has dropped from $50 Stamps to $4 SX28Ls.
Admittedly, I will have to figure out how to add an EEPROM when I need more memory, but I am certain that I will have learned a great deal more of why I need more memory before I go there. Besides, I want to learn to add my own EEPROM and how to interate it into the SX
I am just happy as a clam.
I was begining to think that I had to learn to use PICs to support the BasicStamp. But Parallax really has moved forward in a very good way and it looks like the PIC programers will be falling behind as the complexities of the PICs marketing of many different flavors of hardware will have to adjust to the simplicity of the SXs adaptible firmware solution to the same overall needs. While I am sure there is a niche for a few certain PICs that have something imposible for one SX to do, I imagine I can use the SX and a supporting chip -or- more than one SX -or- the SX might be so fast that it can multi-task the job without having extra ports.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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