minimum laptop hardware needed to program stamp
Can anyone advise me on the minimum hardware specs for a laptop to program the stamp using version 2.1?
And while we're on the topic, where is the best place to buy used, low end laptops?
And while we're on the topic, where is the best place to buy used, low end laptops?
With a small program loaded the editor is taking up around 8 Meg of system RAM. All you should need is a serial port (BS1 can now be programmed via serial with an adapter: )
For computer soruces, check your local newspaper, or the newspaper of the nearest large city. People try to unload these all the time. eBay is also a good avenue for a used laptop.
With this in mind you may want to consider connecting your stamp via the USB port rather than the serial port and this is also an option to fall back on if you go with serial and find that it doesn't work.