Looking for links to SX related sites
So a while back I decided to to the plunge into learning how to program the SX chips. Between the Parallax site and sxlist.com, I have been able to find a lot of info on the SX's and I·have had a bunch of success using the sample code available. Each time I tried something new and actually got it to run correctly it made me want to try something else to learn·more.
Does anybody have any 'must-have' links to other web sites that are related to the SX chips? I'm not really looking for info on how to do anything in particular. I'm hoping that maybe seeing more examples of what the SX have been used for or what it can do, it can might get the creative juices flowing.
Does anybody have any 'must-have' links to other web sites that are related to the SX chips? I'm not really looking for info on how to do anything in particular. I'm hoping that maybe seeing more examples of what the SX have been used for or what it can do, it can might get the creative juices flowing.
Has anyone here tried the Fluffy or Fluffy 2 programmers for the SX chips? I'm guessing the SX/B Compiler won't work with this programmer, but will the old Parallax Assembler work with the Fluffy or Fluffy 2 programmers shown here http://www.semis.demon.co.uk/Sx/fluffy/SXmain.htm ?
Has anyone been able to get on http://www.sxlist.com for the past week? It seems to be down.
http://www.sxlist.com is, has been, and will be UP! UP! UP! UP! I tell you! UP! <GRIN>
I'm logging over 20k hits a day from 3k unique Ips.
No down time last week at all.
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation:
http://www.sxlist.com Pick faster!
I had no problem getting to sxlist
www.sxlist.com & www.piclist.com ->
(I am in Northern VA)
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:·· http://www.knightdesigns.com
Personal Page:··· http://www.lightlink.com/dream/chris
Designs Page:··· http://www.lightlink.com/dream/designs
My server is set to NOT respond to pings. As Brian suspects, the reason is that I was once the victum of a DoS attack on the port used by that service.
The web site is up and on an NT or XP machine you can do
NSLOOKUP www.sxlist.com
and that will show if your DNS is working. You can also try to connect to
Note that the path is required because the server hosts several sites and without the domain name it doesn't know which one to serve.
You can also try
tracert and that will ping all the nodes between you and I. Usually, that will only get so far, because a lot of nodes will not respond to pings.
Another test is to use a proxy or some other site that you can reach and which can reach me and that will get my page by "proxey" and show it to you. One example is bablefish:
http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sxlist.com&lp=en_es·will show you sxlist.com in spanish
may or may not also work... and my server won't know who you are! <GRIN> Do note that they will probably add advertizements, etc... and are able to see what you do while you are surfing my site.
The only real way to find the source of a problem is to send an email to your ISPs technical support. Try to include all the reasons why you are sure it is not my server, not DNS, not a temporary glitch so that they will not attempt to sweep it under the rug.
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation:
http://www.sxlist.com Pick faster!
Post Edited (James Newton) : 11/18/2004 9:14:47 PM GMT
So for some unknown reason www.sxlist.com is not allowing connections from my IP address. By chance have you banned anyone from Verizon before? Since Verizon uses PPPoE - my IP address changes periodically. Maybe I got another users banned IP address by chance.
I NEVER block anyone in a way that would cause them to see no web page at all.
Verizon is probably not the cause of the problem, but someone between your verizon and my verizon (the are also my ISP) IS the cause of the problem. It isn't at my end, and it isn't at your end, it is somewhere in the middle. Sadly, only your ISP can track down the problem because I can't try to connect to you, you have to try to connect to me, and so only a request from your end can show the problem.
As above, the only solution (or than the use of one of those sleazy web proxys) is to email your ISP and explain all that you know and why it isn't me or you.
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation:
http://www.sxlist.com Pick faster!
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation:
http://www.sxlist.com Pick faster!
BTW, NSLookup is successful, so it's not DNS
Name: sxlist.com
Aliases: www.sxlist.com
I'm using a DSL connection from bellsouth.
I'd love to figure out what the problem is.... I tend to suspect that it's NOT bellsouth, as I haven't had this problem with ANY other site.
Just a quick followup.
I decided to do a little investigation... I have an ugly perl script i wrote years ago to act as a proxy, primarily for the purpose of dumping http headers for diagnosing web server problems (SX chips are a hobby, being a code monkey is my day job
After pointing my browser to the proxy, and testing it on a site that works, I surprised with the result when I tried to connect to sxlist.com.
The request seems to fail immediately after the HTTP header response. To be clear: from the perspective of my local proxy, the TCP/IP connection is opened successfully, the proxy sends the request to the web server, the web server returns the header for the response, *then* it just stops before sending the content, and leaves the connection open. So I tend to think it's not being blocked by bellsouth, as it would probably never be able to connect in that case. I can send you a transcript of the headers if you think it would help in diagnosing the problem.
As to what the problem might be, I'm not sure. From my end, it appears that your web server hangs in between the reponse header and the actual response content. Of course, I know it's not always doing this because using an external proxy seems to work just fine. But I also know that I don't seem to have this problem with any other web sites out there. Hmm... rather interesting problem, actually...
Now, this might be related or might not: Since my perl proxy doesnt implement the HTTP/1.1 spec (just a 1.0), and occasionally has some problems with it, I tried using a browser that requests a HTTP 1.0 response (Netscape 4.7). When I did this, the web server still gave a 1.1 response. This is almost certain to cause old browsers problems, and is kinda non-standard behavior (I'm used to seeing a 1.0 response for a 1.0 request). Are there any configuration settings for MetaServer that deal with this? Again, might be related, might not, but figured I would mention it because stood out, and struck me as kinda odd.
Any ideas?
"MetaServer" is actually IIS 4.0. Changing the name that the server says it is just helps to confuse script kiddies. I'ts not a known issue with 4.0 but i will do some searches about the HTTP/1.0 thing.
I'm stunned that you are seeing a partial response. The way I have the server setup does require more processing of the content between the header and the page, so I wonder if the issue is that the connection is being ignored when the server pauses at all....
Could you try the same thing from
http://www.efplus.com/box.htm which is on that same server but doesn't do the extra processing of the web page and so should return a complete response a little faster? Thank you VERY much.
oh, another one that might be worth trying would be
http://asmedit.massmind.org as that is a straight site with no ability to process scripts at all. Should be the absolute fastest response.
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation:
http://www.sxlist.com Pick faster!
Yes, I get the header (thats where I got the MetaServer string from), but then it just stops and leaves the connection open. This manifests itself in firefox as it saying "loading..." and the little graphic spins and spins indefinately. I don't think it ever times out, or if it does, it takes several minutes.
(I'm curious, is this the behavior that others have described?)
I will try hitting those sites when I get home tonight, (they work fine from my work, as expected)
My best theory, at this point, is that my ISP might be running a transparent proxy server that is somehow choking on the content. Of course, there are some things I can't explain with that theory, but it's the only thing I can think of that makes sense to me right now.
A real head scratcher....
Ok, this problem keeps getting stranger....
http://www.efplus.com/box.htm behaves similarly to sxlist.com. Actually, although the connection is made, i wasnt able to get it to the point of getting the http response header. Connection would open, http request made, and it would hang waiting for the response. It eventually times out and closes the connection after a about 30 seconds, which is a different from sxlist.com, which typically keeps the connection open indefinately.
Now http://asmedit.massmind.org is much more interesting. When I hit it directly, it looked like the page partially loaded before hanging up. I can see a place holder for a graphic at the top, and on the right a "You are visitor ___ since this web page started on".
Running it through my perl proxy, it appears that http://asmedit.massmind.org/AsmLoad.html loads successfully and the connection is closed. Then http://asmedit.massmind.org/AsmHead.html is loaded and the connection closes. Finally http://asmedit.massmind.org/AsmHit2.html is requested, and it hangs before the response header is sent. Never was able to get it to load the entire page.
It behaves a little differently each time I try it. Sometimes it get that far, sometimes it hangs hangs up earlier in the process (usually on the first request, or the first request takes an inordinate amount of time to load and it hangs on the next html request). So whatever is going on, its very intermitent with http://asmedit.massmind.org/. Sometimes it gets a little further than other times, but it generally hangs up pretty early on in the page load. This site also eventually times out and closes the connection, unlike sxlist.com.
I'm.... stumped. I've never seen anything quite like this. Any suggestions?
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation:
http://www.sxlist.com Pick faster!
Now http://asmedit.massmind.org
Please? Thank you... This is driving me nuts...
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation:
http://www.sxlist.com Pick faster!
And having it on can be a security risk. For example, with ICMP blocked, the router simply don't respond to information about what ports are open and which are closed. Before, if someone tried to access port 137 or 139 NETBIOS services of my server, it would appear that my server simply didn't exist; they would get NO response at all. Now, you can make that request and get a "yes I'm here but I won't service your request" response. Which at least lets them know that the server exists and then they can work on getting it to accept the request... Probably a minor issue since the firewall is pretty good.
Anyway, anyone who was having problems seeing the site before might want to take a look at it again, and I would really apreciate hearing if anyone is still haveing trouble.
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation:
http://www.sxlist.com Pick faster!