What's the best Newbie Basic Stamp learner kit?
Well, I was at my buddy Chrises place, and we narrowed it down to a student kit.· Off hand I cant remember which it was.· The price was either 149 or 159.· I cant rememeber.· Anyhow he said it included everything I'd need to start off.· He also gave me the new Basic Stamp Manual.· So I have been looking through that.· It's looking tough, but I have my mind set to learn this stuff, as I am an avid Computer person, and a self taught Tech.· Well, I am looking for as cheap as possable, so try and keep that inmind.· 
My Computer Specs
"I had no professional training, I gave it my all, I have no regrets" -William Hung

Post Edited (John Raplee, Jr) : 11/14/2004 3:50:08 AM GMT

My Computer Specs
"I had no professional training, I gave it my all, I have no regrets" -William Hung

Post Edited (John Raplee, Jr) : 11/14/2004 3:50:08 AM GMT
You could get away with the "What's a microcontroller" kit from Radio Shack (still a parallax product), I think it is $79, but uses the "homework" board so you cannot remove the stamp from the board (and if you blow it up your done). I would go for the discovery kit.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:·· http://www.knightdesigns.com
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My Computer Specs
"I had no professional training, I gave it my all, I have no regrets" -William Hung