rev dx bs1 question
i just got the rev dx bs1 with the usb serial adapter but am having trouble making a simple led light up. On my other bs2p40 i would connect the cathode end to vss and the anode to a resistor that would then go to a p0 or output pin....could then program high 0 and the led would turn on
On the rev dx there does not appear to be any connection, from the 9 volt to the vss pin, but anyhow i attach the cathode to vss, resistor to the anode, and the other end of the resitor to a p0...using 470 resistor...yes it works in bs2p40. My code is
' {$Stamp BS1}
' {PBASIC 2.5}
nothing happens. any ideas? thanks
On the rev dx there does not appear to be any connection, from the 9 volt to the vss pin, but anyhow i attach the cathode to vss, resistor to the anode, and the other end of the resitor to a p0...using 470 resistor...yes it works in bs2p40. My code is
' {$Stamp BS1}
' {PBASIC 2.5}
nothing happens. any ideas? thanks
First, are you actually able to program the BS1 using this configuration:
USB port <=> USB to Serial FTDI Adapter <=> BS1 Windows Adapter <=> BASIC Stamp Rev Dx?
This isn't something we have tested and I would be surprised if it works. According to your message you seem to be programming, but the LED is not on. Is the long-leg of the LED connected to the I/O pin? Perhaps the Stamp is not actually programming.
How about making a FOR--NEXT loop and DEBUG a counter variable with a TOGGLE command to verify that there is PC-Rev Dx communication? I wonder if the Stamp is not actually getting programmed due to the assortment of hardware you are using to program it..
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc .
What you want to do is this...
' {$STAMP BS1}
' {$PBASIC 1.0}
Give that a shot and see if that works.
·The Bs1 to serial adapter can be found here and the schematic for it can be found in the help file for the stamp editor version 2.1. If you are using the FTDI adapter that Parallax carries it will allow you to program the BS1/rev dx through it. It sounds like you are using the USB2SER if that is the case then it will not work. You will need to purchase the or the To program the stamps through the USB port.
Stephen Swanson
Technical Support
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (sswanson) : 11/11/2004 4:42:59 PM GMT
' {$STAMP BS1}
' {$PBASIC 1.0}
also tried
PIN2 = 1
neither seemed to work...what am i doing wrong fellas?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office