DS1820 / BS2p
···· I am trying to interface the DS 1820 with the BS2 oem. I was able to use the components with the bs2p but did not realize that I could not use the bs2oem when it was a bit too late.
···· Also is there a bs2p compatible chip for the oem??
···· Thanks for the help
···· Sofa
Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams) : 11/10/2004 2:24:43 PM GMT
···· I am trying to interface the DS 1820 with the BS2 oem. I was able to use the components with the bs2p but did not realize that I could not use the bs2oem when it was a bit too late.
···· Also is there a bs2p compatible chip for the oem??
···· Thanks for the help
···· Sofa
Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams) : 11/10/2004 2:24:43 PM GMT
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Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Thanks for the reply. I am going to use other avenues for the temp measurment. I bought all the goodies for this project before reading the fine print (Duh). I may look into the bs2p at a later date.
BTW this months N&V article was great. I have not yet had the "Aha" moment but I'm sure its coming.