controlling multiple displays
I'm developing a display system so that when my student need help they can flip a switch instead of raising their hands or calling out to me.· The display will show the station number that I am currently working with plus list who order in which I will be helping people.· If I help a group, or if a group solves their problem before I get to them, the switch will be turned off and all the numbers under will slide up.· Right now I've got a HW Board·keeping track of 12 switches, the order in which they are flipped on, and shifting them if one is turned off.· Now for what I hope is a simple question...
How can I get a list of 12 numbers in an array displayed in order?· I would like to use large (2") 7-segment displays for the list of groups who will be helped soon and an even larger one (4"-5") for the group now being helped.
John Galisky, Coordinator
Lompoc High School Space, Technology and Robotics Program
How can I get a list of 12 numbers in an array displayed in order?· I would like to use large (2") 7-segment displays for the list of groups who will be helped soon and an even larger one (4"-5") for the group now being helped.
John Galisky, Coordinator
Lompoc High School Space, Technology and Robotics Program
202534 = 5" Display
202542 = 3" Display
8-digit LED Driver
There's a link at the bottom of the page that you can use to view the AppKit documenation.
You've already got your input and bookeeping system up and running. For the next step, get the circuit and program up and running that performs the multi-digit display using arbitrary numbers. One way of doing it would be to try out the example circuit and program from teh LED Driver AppKit PDF.
Next, get the input/bookeeping program and circuit to run at the same time as the LED output program and circuit.
At that point, it will be a matter of adding a couple of lines of code to move the array entries into a temp variable that you can then send to the array driver with the SHIFTOUT command.