Help in Programming
I am currently working on a wireless vital sign monitor. My project includes taking heart, pressure and temperature signals and analysing them.
I accomplish this by taking the signals, filtering and amplifying them, converting them digitally and processing them in a microcontroller before transmitting them wireless and displaying them using Labview.
I am using a microconroller because I am using serial communications for Labview software instead of DAQ (due to budge issues).
My microcontroller code therefore (BS2) requires to take in 3 signals from 3 different ·A/D, decode them to binary, and then send them in an infinite loop in a·format
I however suck at assembly language and inspite of refering to so many different sources and sites, I am still having a hard time accomplishing this.
Can anybody help me please???

I accomplish this by taking the signals, filtering and amplifying them, converting them digitally and processing them in a microcontroller before transmitting them wireless and displaying them using Labview.
I am using a microconroller because I am using serial communications for Labview software instead of DAQ (due to budge issues).
My microcontroller code therefore (BS2) requires to take in 3 signals from 3 different ·A/D, decode them to binary, and then send them in an infinite loop in a·format
I however suck at assembly language and inspite of refering to so many different sources and sites, I am still having a hard time accomplishing this.
Can anybody help me please???

What A/D convertors are you using? We have lots of example code for differnt converters.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I will appreciate any examples and help I can get.
Thanks alot.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I have written the code for my project. I just want someone to look over it.
My program is supposed to take 3 input signals from 8 bits A/D (AD08831) and process them·so as to output serially in the format
····································· <Tab>Signal1<Sab>Signal2<Cab>Signal3
so that I can separate them on receivind end (Labview).
Also, is there a way I could just take a signle input from A/D into my chip and serially display the outut on the basic stamp editor??
I noticed the connections between the [url=mailto:BS@-IC]BS2-IC[/url]·and RS232 on the BS2 manual and just wanted to doublecheck before doing that so as not to blow up anything.
You should be able to do this: SEROUT pin, baud, [noparse][[/noparse]TAB, sensorValue]
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Can I just use a single line command as
SEROUT pin, baud, 50, timeout, [noparse][[/noparse]TAB, sig1, CR, sig2, TAB, sig3]
where timeout is a label
Also, would the constants TAB, CR, and·TAB each be sent as 8 bits serially or?????
I would be very thankful if you can overlook my code please.
Thanks again
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office