my guitar with a 9v powersource
I want to be able to power the pickups on my guitar with a 9v powersource without adding an extra cable to drag around.· Guitars use a 1/4 jack with two contacts, I wanted to get a cable with 3 contacts and use it to power the pickups.· I would send power through the third wire and ground it through one of the existing wires.· To protect the amp I could have a circut that would extract the extra load and send it back to the power supply before it got to the amp.·
I took a multimeter and tested one of the cables to make sure that the amp did not read the ground signal from the guitar, I used the voltimeter to find the ground (the amp puts out about .04 volts), which unlike the positive end, doesnt buzz when touched to·something.· If my logic is correct I can ground through this wire without messing up my signal.·
My question is about how keep the extra load from entering the amp.· Could I just skip the amp all togeather and just·connect that wire to the negitive terminal of the power supply or to the ground wire in an outlet or will I need something more complex that would separate the loads and send some back to the amp?
Post Edited By Moderator (Joshua Donelson (Parallax)) : 10/23/2009 4:29:53 AM GMT
I took a multimeter and tested one of the cables to make sure that the amp did not read the ground signal from the guitar, I used the voltimeter to find the ground (the amp puts out about .04 volts), which unlike the positive end, doesnt buzz when touched to·something.· If my logic is correct I can ground through this wire without messing up my signal.·
My question is about how keep the extra load from entering the amp.· Could I just skip the amp all togeather and just·connect that wire to the negitive terminal of the power supply or to the ground wire in an outlet or will I need something more complex that would separate the loads and send some back to the amp?
Post Edited By Moderator (Joshua Donelson (Parallax)) : 10/23/2009 4:29:53 AM GMT