"Smart" navigation with BoeBot possible ?
I don't even know if my idea is possible with the BoeBot,that's why i submit it to you.I've done the remote control program and it works with an IR eye on PIN5.I have also made a small board with the 2 IR Led's and eyes for navigation.Both programs work when they are loaded independently.But would it be possible to have the robot controlled by remote to go forward for example and execute a turn or back up when it "sees" an obstacle like it does when it only navigates with the other 2 IR eyes ?
I am a newbie at programming the stamp,and i don't know if i'm not asking something that it might not even be doable.
Thank You.
I am a newbie at programming the stamp,and i don't know if i'm not asking something that it might not even be doable.
Thank You.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
The project overrides the remote instruction if the Boe-Bot detects you are trying to run it into something.
The circuit is on pages 99-100. The program is a modified version of the example program on page 67. Get that working first, then enter the modifications discussed in the solution to Project 1 on pages 154-155. You'll then be well on your way.
Have fun!
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay) : 11/6/2004 4:26:47 AM GMT
Andy,thank You for your information.I got the book.It looks like i'm gonna have to do some "light" reading [noparse]:)[/noparse]
If you would like to do some reading on solar power robotics project, use Google or you favorite search engine for "solarbotics" and you should get some real good hits. Also look for "beam robots" for low power robotics.
Bruce Bates