EEPROM allocation quirk
Hi, I'm kind of a newbie.
Here's a question:
I'm running this code because I'm trying to get used to EEPROM allocatoin
test DATA 0·<-- Initializes the value zero in the index 0 of the EEPROM
%% First line deleted and rest of program run a few times %%
temp VAR Byte·<-- Creates a byte variable temp
READ 0,temp·<-- Reads the index zero of the EEPROM and assigns it's value to temp
DEBUG ? temp·<-- Outputs the value of temp to the debug terminal
temp=temp+1·<-- Increments the value of temp
WRITE 0,temp·<-- Writes the value of temp to index zero of the EEPROM
When I run the program a few times temp is incremented and output to the debug terminal.
When power is disconnected for a few minutes and the program is run again, temp is incremented by two.
Why is this?· I can't really figure it out.
Here's a question:
I'm running this code because I'm trying to get used to EEPROM allocatoin
test DATA 0·<-- Initializes the value zero in the index 0 of the EEPROM
%% First line deleted and rest of program run a few times %%
temp VAR Byte·<-- Creates a byte variable temp
READ 0,temp·<-- Reads the index zero of the EEPROM and assigns it's value to temp
DEBUG ? temp·<-- Outputs the value of temp to the debug terminal
temp=temp+1·<-- Increments the value of temp
WRITE 0,temp·<-- Writes the value of temp to index zero of the EEPROM
When I run the program a few times temp is incremented and output to the debug terminal.
When power is disconnected for a few minutes and the program is run again, temp is incremented by two.
Why is this?· I can't really figure it out.
·· I have duplicated your code and procedure,·yet I am unable to duplicate your results...Mine increments by one with each application of power, or pressing th reset button, as it should.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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