lightning monitor
i hope some one can help me. i have the plans for a lightning monitor that i got off the web and i have started to build it and i need some help with it??also i would like to know how hard would it to be to hook up an L.C.D screen to it?the web site is
i hope you can look at this and teel me what you think of it and if you think you might be able to build it let me know and we can come up with a price.hope to here from anyone??thanks steven jax,fla. e-mail
i hope you can look at this and teel me what you think of it and if you think you might be able to build it let me know and we can come up with a price.hope to here from anyone??thanks steven jax,fla. e-mail

As for the LCD there is alot of information on interfacing LCDs...You'll probably be wanting a Serial LCD Display (Which Parallax sells), and there should be code examples for sending data with the LCD available right from the Parallax Web Page·thet you can download along with the data sheet for the display.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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Post Edited (Orion) : 11/5/2004 2:53:02 AM GMT
You can create a bargraph, or any graphic shape using simple commands that not require much program space.